Connections Pt. 2

In the last post, I deliriously went on about connections and the how they’re magical and meaningful, and how I couldn’t imagine what amazing things were to come. As it turned out, I had no idea how true that would be.

As music is such a huge part of my life, I always wanted live music to be a part of The Hub. I just figured it would take a lot more effort on my part to make it happen. Cue the “Field of Dreams” music because we built it and they came. Actually, we were still building it when Paul stopped by on a gorgeous May afternoon and made a proposition, “What if I bring some equipment and leave it so people can just come and play?”

A few months later, Dave and Monica (of 1979) stopped in on a Sunday afternoon. I’ll never forget the conversation. Dave had asked what I thought about the band playing at The Hub…

    Drew, “What do you play?”

    Dave, “Oh, like Cream, Hendrix, Zeppelin..”

    Drew, ”Ok, when can you be here?”

And thus was born one of the biggest nights of the season.

So, back to the connection bit. The most amazing aspect of music is the connection it allows. It not only allows connection, but demands it. The musicians connect with each other. They connect with the audience. The audience connects with each other. Just by Dave mentioning three band names, I had connected with him. When people connect, an experience is created and shared, and that’s the greatest thing that makes life worth living. We saw all walks of life connect at The Hub this year, especially around music, and it was incredible- even magical. It was so amazing I still can’t believe it happened.

But it did happen, and while we can’t recreate those special nights, we can create some more. We’re putting together a big calendar for 2015, so stay tuned… more big nights lay ahead!

So thank you 1979, Paul Abess, Danny Shultz, Bill Broderick, Big Kahuna Surf, Derick Borst, Steve Smith, John Coleman and all others that made it happen.    
